OKRs to Manage Your Teams.

Just a decorative image for the page.


OKRs can be used to manage the team of a report jointly with the report, or manage one report (personal OKRs). Try out what fits best for you. I find it useful having OKRs to manage reports / teams of reports over quarters and years.

I posted my OKR sheet as Google Spreadsheet - and your feedback is much welcome!

How to Prepare and Review OKRs

OKR sheets are created at end of one quarter for new quarter. E.g. you’d create the 2023-Q1 sheet in December 2022. Do this as part of a OKR session (1h usually is enough). Review the OKR sheet together with your report at the end of each month. Add grading. Add notes why it has been graded that way. That can usually be done as part of your 1:1 cycle and does not need an extra meeting.

Done is Better Than Perfect

Do not treat OKRs religiously. Don’t hunt for the perfect key result and perfect objective. It’s more important to start using the tool. Your objectives and key results will improve over time. If a OKR does not fit in a quarter then simply carry it over and mark it e.g. as “yearly objective”. That’s all fine. Make the tool work for you and not the other way round.

OKRs are Not for Performance Management!

DO NOT USE THIS AS DIRECT INPUT FOR PERFORMANCE REVIEWS! Measuring things is important. BUT when you make it a target your teams and reports will start gaming the system. Don’t do it. Use it as a cool tool that is helpful for teams and considered as such.
