On 20% Time Projects.

Just a decorative image for the page.


20% time projects have always been a celebrated concept in the tech world. They offer employees the freedom to explore new ideas, contribute to the business in innovative ways, and boost overall motivation. However, without proper structure, side projects can quickly devolve into unproductive chaos. Here’s how we transformed our approach to 20% time projects from a potential failure to a thriving success.

The Problem

While 20% time projects are inherently beneficial, we faced several challenges:

  • Lack of Direction: Employees often engaged in random activities that had no meaningful outcome.
  • Transparency Issues: Sometimes, nobody knew what the 20% project even was.
  • Demotivation: High performers felt demoralized seeing others “wasting time” while they were working on core projects.

We were on the verge of abandoning the 20% time project altogether. But then, we found a solution.

The Solution

Structured Scheduling

  • Once a Month: We designated the last Friday of each month for 20% time projects.
  • Optional Participation: Employees could skip the 20% time project if they didn’t have any topics to explore.

Clear Rules

  1. Relevance: The project should be related to what we do as a company.
  2. Planning and Transparency: Employees had to plan their projects and publish them on a wiki page. This allowed others to comment upfront and even join the effort.
  3. Presentation: At the end of the 20% time project day, everyone had to present their work. This ensured accountability and shared learning.


  • Enhanced Focus: By scheduling 20% time projects on a specific day, we created a focused environment for innovation.
  • Improved Collaboration: Publishing project plans on a wiki page fostered collaboration and idea-sharing.
  • Increased Motivation: Presentations at the end of the day highlighted the value of these projects, boosting overall morale.


By introducing structure and transparency to our 20% time projects, we transformed them from a potential drain on resources to a powerhouse of innovation and motivation. If you’re facing similar challenges, consider adopting these strategies to breathe new life into your 20% time projects.

For more insights on side project time, check out this Wikipedia article.

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