Outcome vs Output. German Energiewende revisited.

Just a decorative image for the page.

Before listening to me I encourage you to play around with https://app.electricitymaps.com/zone/DE

It’s an open source project visualizing co2 production all over the planet. Visualizing something is

Henry Kissinger’s quip about Germany’s international role from the 1970s has often been quoted: Germany, he had said, was “too big for Europe and too small for the world”. T

  • Nuclear
  • big triumph of green party
  • Energiewende does not seem to work when we look at the data
  • Very high co2 in comparison to eg France.
  • What would be a simple solution: Use Nuclear (Sweden, Spain, Belgium, France, Canada, USA, Ukraine, Soviet Union, China and many others do that)
  • But Nuclear is bad (fusion engery apparently as well)


  • No nucleear. Safer world.


  • Much more co2 production in Germany
  • High engergy costs (compared to rest of europe).
  • All lofty ideas “NBuilding more Windwills, Solar, Moreelectric cars are nice, but will not solve the problem and even drive up co2 production in GErmany. Coal will apparently just substitute that.

Everything is branded as “powered by eco power”. DB for instance. But that is a lie apparently.

I am speechless what is being done. It’s a victory of dogma over reason. And dogma is a funny jumping unicorn that everyone loves and shits on the world.

Good news is that Germany is not very important when it comes to co2 consumtiopn. So apparently a very bad policy as done right now does not kill the planet much faster of slower. That is at least good news. Germany is too small to kill the planet that way. At least something.