Toyota Production System.

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Toyota Production System and Software Development

In software development, efficiency and effectiveness are crucial for maintaining competitiveness and innovation. One of the most influential methodologies that can help achieve these goals is the Toyota Production System (TPS), that inspired much of what we know today as XP, Scrum and Agile.

TPS was key to making Toyota the #1 company in the automotive industry. This post explores the origins of TPS and how we can use the TPS to improve software development processes.

Table Of Contents

Three Deadly Sins: Muri, Mura, and Muda

Muri: Overburden

Muri refers to the overburdening of people or equipment, creating an unsustainable system. In software development, Muri manifests as teams being overloaded with too many tasks, leading to burnout and reduced productivity. The overload can lead to decreased code quality and increased turnover as employees struggle to keep up. This often results from inappropriate organizational structures or unrealistic deadlines.

Implementing Agile methodologies can help manage workload by breaking down projects into manageable sprints and prioritizing tasks based on business value. By ensuring a sustainable pace, teams can maintain high-quality output without overburdening members.

Mura: Spikes in Workload

Mura represents unevenness and spikes in workflows, often caused by unpredictable workloads or processes. In software, this can be seen in fluctuating project demands or unexpected bugs that disrupt schedules. An uneven distribution of workload requires developers to shift focus rapidly, affecting productivity and morale.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) practices can help reduce variability by enabling more frequent releases and feedback loops. This allows teams to address issues as they arise, rather than accumulating them for a single, overwhelming release period.

Muda: Waste

Muda identifies any activity that consumes resources without adding value. TPS categorizes eight types of waste, easily remembered by the acronym DOWNTIME: Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-utilized talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, and Extra Processing. And no - I will never be able to remember each word of DOWNTIME means ;)

Examples in Software Development:

  • Defects: Bugs and technical debt that require rework.
  • Overproduction: Developing features that aren’t used or wanted by customers.
  • Waiting: Delays caused by dependencies or bureaucratic processes.
  • Non-utilized talent: Failing to leverage the skills and creativity of team members.
  • Transportation: Inefficiencies in handoffs between development and testing teams.
  • Inventory: Code that is developed but not released, tying up resources.
  • Motion: Excessive meetings or documentation requirements that don’t contribute to progress.
  • Extra Processing: Over-engineering solutions beyond current needs.

Adopting Lean practices can help identify and eliminate waste. For example, using kanban boards can visualize workflow and highlight bottlenecks. Regular retrospectives also provide opportunities to reflect on processes and eliminate non-value-adding activities.

Implementing TPS in Software Development

Adopting TPS principles requires a cultural shift towards continuous improvement and respect for people. Here are some steps to integrate TPS into software development:

  1. Value Stream Mapping: Identify and map out every step of your development process to highlight areas of waste and inefficiency.

  2. Empower Teams: Encourage team autonomy and decision-making to foster innovation and accountability. Utilize cross-functional teams to reduce handoffs and delays. Ideally teams are focusing on one product and are responsible end to end.

  3. Iterative Development: Embrace Agile and Lean methodologies that promote iterative development, frequent feedback, and incremental improvements. Less waste, less stress by not releasing ten things at the same time.

  4. Focus on Quality: Invest in automated testing and automated quality assurance to minimize defects and technical debt. Tests, Linters, automated code smell detection and static typing are your friends!

  5. Encourage Continuous Learning: Provide ongoing training and professional development to ensure team members can utilize their full potential. Retrospectives and Post-Mortems for the win!


The Toyota Production System offers valuable insights and strategies for enhancing efficiency in software development. By addressing Muri, Mura, and Muda, teams can create more sustainable, predictable, and waste-free processes. As the software industry continues to evolve, adopting TPS principles will be key to maintaining agility and innovation.

By leveraging the proven strategies of TPS, software development teams can unlock new levels of productivity and quality, ultimately delivering greater value to their customers.


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